Search Engine Friendly URLs for Wordpress

To set wordpress URLs, you just go to Dashboard > Setting > Permalinks (Permanent Link). Choose Custom Sructure, then set the parameters.


Wordpress parameters that you can use are

%year% used to show year in 4 digits, eg: 2010

%monthnum% used to show month in 2 digits, eg: 01 for January

%day% used to show date

%hour% used to show hour

%minute% used to show minute

%second% used to show second

%postname% used to show article title

%post_id% used to show article number

%tag% used to show labels

%author% used to show author name

After your permalink settings finished, sometimes appears notice “You should update your .htaccess now” or “error 404 – The Webpage cannot be found”. To resolve this problem you can do steps below :

1. Enter to your Public HTML files (You can use software like filezilla, etc)
2. Find .htaccess file, then set access to 777
3. If you cannot find .htaccess file, you should make it. Use notepad, then type:


Save with name .htaccess (without .txt). Upload to your public HTML